by | May 9, 2020 | Freelancing

Freelancing is a popular job mostly with moms/dads who wanted to work beside their babies and kids but today was different as some of the single ladies like me are interested in freelancing. One of my reason is, I am the youngest and the only princess in our family, so I wanted to look after my mom as she is growing old. Now I am earning and living the life I want with Freelancing. Want to know how? then read on. 😊

Why chose Freelancing?

The best reason for this was Freelancing helps me to save money, save cost, and less hassle for transportation so there will be no reason to be late anymore 😊 Another is you will learn and discover new skills and things about online. Thought It’s better to have a stable job but when the time comes that you are not happy, or you got bored with the job that you do, with freelancing, you can jump into another job if your skills are applicable to it. The more you are skilled the more you will earn and learn.

Tips on How to be a Freelancer

Many of my relatives/friends ask me “How to work online?”  “Is that easy?” For me, It’s a big YES! I can say so because I’ve already experienced the hardship, but I believe there is no easy way and shortcut for success. Before I became a freelancer, it was hard to land a job. As a graduate of entrepreneurship, it was like a business that you will have to brand and promote yourself. I used to build my profile to freelancing sites and apply to employer’s ads of their job offer and I feel the pressure, upset and at some point, I got depressed that there might be no one who will hire me. So here I am giving some tips on how to start your career in freelancing.

Tip#1-Know your Technical Qualification

You’ve got the skills, but do you have a better working space? Own desktop or laptop? A reliable source of the Internet? It’s already given that without this, landing a job online is impossible. If you really venture into this business then you better invest in buying your own PC to use, and of course, have your own internet connection. 3 Mbps is good enough but some of the clients want higher Mbps. Your place must have stable electricity and a peaceful place to work in.

Tip #2- Know Yourself

What are your skills? What can you offer to clients online? Know first yourself so that when you introduced yourself, you will be confident and stand out. You are a product of your own business so better make the best of you. You can learn skills online too, either you enroll in online courses or you can research and self-study if you are techy enough. You can now prepare for video/voice interviews and create a CV/Resume. I prefer that you use Canva for CV.

Tip#3- Know your Worth

“What rate or How much I will/can demand from a client with my skills?” Some client might post their job with a fixed salary, but others may ask you about your rate or even depend on it with your experience. If you got already an experience, then maybe you deserved to demand but if you were like me that does have only basic skills, so $3 per hour is the minimum start. You can research or ask already experienced freelancers about how they rate per hour based on skills you have.

Tip#4- Know Your Time Availability

Are you a Night Person or a Day Person? You want to work Full time which is 8 hours a day/40 hour or more per week, Part-time which is 20 to 30 hours per week, or just a one-time big-time project-based? You might ready yourself to work at night if it’s required too. Consider yourself lucky if the client trusts you well about time just to get the job done. 

Tip#5- Know How to Manage Your Time

Seems easy right? but It’s not. Managing yourself is a bit hard as you will need discipline and consistency. Especially when you already got a job and it’s a full time which requires you to work for 8 hours a day or more if you have overtime and part-time jobs. Even you work at home, eat on time, and take a break. Don’t overwork yourself and know when to stop and rest so that you will not be very tired and can do some house chores. Don’t forget yourself to have fun and spend time on family and loved ones 

Tip#6- Know How to get Paid

This is an important matter as we are working because we want to get paid right?  If the client doesn’t include information on how they will pay you then you better ask them if they prefer PayPal, Payoneer, direct to the bank, or other ways to transfer money. Prepare yourself to create an account on PayPal first because a lot of clients prefer to use that to pay us, freelancers. Know that It’s much better to open an account to your trusted bank and linked it to your PayPal for you to withdraw but for me, I used to link Gcash. It was best and convenient for me as there is no transfer fee and it was instant to withdraw once you successfully transfer it unlike transfer to a bank that will require you to wait for 3-5 working days.

Thank you for your time in reading this. Still in Need of Assistance? Hire a Virtual Assistant now and avail of our services offers Data Entry, Social Media Management & Marketing, and more. You can keep in touch with us thru our social media sites FacebookInstagramTwitter & LinkedIn or Sign up now.